The Straight Scoop

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What Should You Do With Depressed Long-Term Bonds?

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Should You Embrace New Research That Advocates All-Stock Porfolio?

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The Greatly Misunderstood Risks of Investing

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Devising Tax-Reduction Strategies for Your Investments

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Roth 401(k), 403(b) and Self-Employed Individual Roth 401(k) Retirement Plans

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Using the Often Overlooked Roth IRA

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Taking A New View of Checking/Transaction Accounts and Savings Accounts

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Some Say Do It Quarterly or Monthly to Boost Your Returns

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How Many Millions Do You Really Need to Retire?

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Frequently Made Retirement and Estate Planning Mistakes

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The Internet is Coming of Age, But Problematic Financial Advice Abounds

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Should Your Financial Plans Include Part-Time Work in "Retirement"?

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Strategies for Managing Your Expenses

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Should You Contribute to an Annuity?

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Crypto Mutual Funds & ETFs: Pathway to Digital Riches?

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Update: An Income Tax Reducer You Have Probably Overlooked

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Should You Pay Your Income Taxes Online?

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Should Retirees Boost Stock Allocation as They Get Older?

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Should You Invest Spare Cash in Cryptocurrencies?

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Taking Home Office Deduction Expenses on Your Income Tax Return

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Learning From Past Economic & Financial Crises

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Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

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Making Career Decisions & Managing Risk in Your Younger Years

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Finding and Interviewing Tax Advisors & Preparers

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Addressing Some Common Retirement Concerns You May Have

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Many People Haven't Protected Their Most Valuable Asset

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Money Management Tips to Help You Stop Fighting and Start Uniting

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Understanding and Planning Around Penalties for Early Retirement Account Withdrawals

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Should You Max Out on Your Retirement Account Contributions?

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Deciding to Hire Tax Help for Tax Return Preparation and Advice

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Navigating Buying a Home if You Work in an Expensive City Like NYC

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Student Loans are Easy to Take Out, Harder to Repay

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