Recent Articles in Worth Examining

Corporate Earnings Announcements Reveal What Company's Are Doing With Higher Profits
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The Sky Isn't the Limit for U.S. Stock Prices
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Update: CNBC Segment Perfectly Explains Bitcoin Mining and Profitability
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Growing Federal Deficits and Debts Predicted Due to Tax Reduction Bill
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Veteran Technology Investor Roger McNamee Warns About Social Media and Other Sites
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Timely Career Advice from a Leading Career Advisor
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Are Auto Navigation GPS Units Worth the Expense?
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How Eating More of the Right Kinds of Fat Propels Weight Loss
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Taking Charge of Your Health with Home Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Monitoring
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Home Buying and Real Estate Searches with Sound Data
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Year-End Tax Planning with Trump 2017 Tax Reform
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This Highly Regarded Stock Market Indicator Reveals U.S. Market Direction
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Flashback: Donald Trump and the Presidential 2012 Election
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Update: Could This Dark Horse 2016 Presidential Candidate Win the White House?
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A Humorous Take on Drug Company Marketing to Doctors
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Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber Explains How Landmark Legislation Got Passed
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The Real Reason Stock Prices Keep Rising
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Midterm 2014 Election Preview: Is More Change Coming?
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The Best Medicine for Alzheimer’s May Not Come From the Pharmacy
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Debunking the Myths of Income Investing for Retirement
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The War on Poverty is Now Decades Old
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Exercise versus Prescription Drugs for Treating Common Diseases
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What's New in Financial Aid for College Students and Their Families?
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A College Observer Forecasts Some Major Changes for Higher Education Institutions
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Understanding the Long-Term Health Benefits of Exercising
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Update: What Was Democratic President John F. Kennedy's Tax Proposal During 1962's Recession?
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Estimate: 50 to 100 Million More Folks to Have Current Health Insurance Cancelled
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Why are Record Numbers of U.S. Citizens Renouncing Their Citizenship?
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Update: Health Insurance Cancellations: The Truth About Who Knew What When
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Liberal Media Outlet: “Obama Administration Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance”
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Federal Government Shutdowns: Some Surprising Things You Probably Don’t Know
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