Recent Articles in The Straight Scoop

Getting Your Career and Finances on the Best Track
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Dealing With Financial Service Customer Service Problems
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Are Social Security and Pension Payments Like Holding Bonds?
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Highway and Bridge Tolls Add Greatly to Car Driving Costs
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Making Home Security Systems More Affordable and Accessible
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Do Financial Broadcasters Have a Hidden Agenda?
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Online Daily Fantasy Sports Betting Websites
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How Large a Downpayment When Buying a Home?
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Standing Up for Yourself and Your Consumer Rights
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My Pillow: Is It the Best Pillow in the Whole Wide World?
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Dealing With Family Elder Care, Caregiver Agreements and Related Financial Issues
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Understanding and Voting in Political Contests
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Combating the Rising Tide of Healthcare Expenses
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Update: Talking Back to Your Dentist, Eye Doctor, etc.
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Cell Phones, Texting, Data Plans and More Bells and Whistles
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Private Banks and Investment Firms Expand Offerings
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Timeshares for Sale at Vacation Destinations
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Common Financial Planning Advice
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The Art of Hiring Expert Advice
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The Temptation to Try and Time the Financial Markets' Movements
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Are Airlines Ripping Off Consumers with Fees for Checked Baggage?
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Financial Advisor Recommends Investment Overhaul that Creates Major Tax Bill
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Update: Understanding the Dangers of Buying (and Selling) Online with Unknown People
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Brand Names, Corporate Profits and Quality Products and Service
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Investing in Education and Gaining Some Tax Breaks
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Addressing Common Real Estate Investing Misconceptions
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Understanding Your Higher Education Options
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Real Estate Investors Can Defer Taxes as Retirement Account Investors Can
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Estate Planning Later in Retirement
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Does It Make Sense to Hire an Investment Broker?
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Everybody with a Car Needs It and We All Dislike Spending Money On It
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Boston University Economist Warns: Close Your Investment Brokerage Account
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CNBC Journalist: Stock Market Level Not Supported by Real Economic Fundamentals
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